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I want to enjoy it, not develop it!

Somebody blew us off recently! This well taught church “consumer” came in to check out what we could offer him. He was hoping to find a ready to go, already set up, primed and polished ministry for his age group. When he didn’t find what he was looking for, he politely informed us that he wasn’t interested in creating such a ministry, he was just hoping to find one already thriving that he could easily attach himself to. When we didn’t he didn’t either!


This story is told in countless different churches and in countless different ways so this post is to celebrate those who develop flourishing ministries. Behind every successful children’s ministry, in the midst of every flourishing student ministry, or college ministry, or adult ministry, or nursery, or senior ministry or any other kind of ministry there is someone who started it. There is that lone person, or that couple who started the ball rolling and it wasn’t easy. This person had a vision or a burden to solve a problem. Oftentimes they launched their group in the worst room of the building, the place nobody else was using. They started with minimal resources usually bought with money out of their own pocket. They promoted their vision and sought some workers to come alongside of them. They didn’t have much training but they had a lot of zeal and off they went. At first hardly anybody attended and it seemed like the people that did come were very needy and not very attractive. But they plugged away. They were faithful. They cried tears when it seemed it wasn’t working but they didn’t want to give up so they made more contacts, made the studies more interesting, urged people to bring their friends. They would drive the church van and pick up anybody willing to come. They dealt with the drama that came with leadership. They innovated, they got others involved, and they kept on working.


In the midst of pursuing what they believed was God’s will they got discouraged, they got criticized, the devil attacked, the prayers seemed unanswered, they preached victory but felt defeated but they kept plugging away. They planned trips, raised money, sold hot dogs, and spread themselves thin all for the sake of the ministry. They prayed, they wept with their people, and they fell in love with each and every one of them. They cleaned up the messes and kept on going. They rejoiced every time a great prospect showed up hoping that this person might be a cornerstone or a leader in this effort. Their heart broke when they didn’t come back because they were looking for something already up and running, something easy.


Finally the day came. For some inexplicable reason the momentum shifted and the ministry came to life. People were changed, life came from death, God moved, there were baptisms and people were “getting it.” Leaders sprang up out of nowhere and the ministry gained a great reputation. Suddenly those who were so hard to get in and so reluctant to join came out of nowhere. They wanted to be associated with this group. They wanted to be a part. The fruit of the ministry was delicious and many wanted to take a bite.


Let us celebrate all those who were not deterred by the days of hardship, the days of toil, the days of drain. Let us celebrate those who plowed and cultivated and pulled weeds and planted and watered and waited and waited and waited.


It is easy to walk in and enjoy the fruits of someone else’s labors. I am happy to share the fruit with anyone, but let us remember that it only became what it became because of somebody’s effort. It is a shallow person indeed who shows up to eat a well-prepared meal without any intention of being involved in the preparation. God bless the faithful workers who don’t give up easily. You have made the church work!

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